Instant Disability Insurance QuotesInsuring Income specializes in providing personalized disability insurance quotes.  We look forward to helping you with this.

The proposals you will receive will receive vary based on your occupation [to include medical/dental specialty-specific language, where applicable], state of residence, income level, career stage, etc.

Carriers we work with include: Ameritas, Guardian, Mass Mutual, Principal and Standard (the “Big 5”), as well as Assurity, Fidelity, Illinois Mutual, Lloyd’s of London and Mutual of Omaha.


A Disability Insurance Quotes and Sender


Thank you for coming here to complete the next step after submitting the form at

Our goal is simple: To get you the most complete set of proposals for disability insurance.

By completing the form at this page, we will have all the information that we need to prepare disability insurance proposals for you. We will be able to research discounts and find the policy that is ultimately best for you. It will take about 2 minutes to complete the form.

We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and your family. Thank you.

Even if you are moving soon, please indicate the state that you are in at this moment.
Are you a member of the US military?
Which branch of the military are you in?
Are you receiving disability benefits from the military?
Please indicate the amount and "percentage" you receive from the military disability program. What is the disability from (tinnitis, etc)?
Postgraduate Year (PGY)
You can detail income changes for a job that you might be headed to further down in the form. For this field, Medical Residents and Fellows should list their current PGY income per the GME program.
We understand that as a medical/dental student, there is no base income that is paid to you. Feel free to detail any income you have from other sources.

Breakdown of compensation (military personnel only)

Employment Type
Accountant - Which applies to you (select highest level) *
Engineer - Which applies to you (select highest level) *
Engineer - Do you have a Professional Engineer (PE) credential? *
Engineer - Do you perform manual duties in your work? *
If you have matched in a residency program, please note the specialty for that program. It is OK to indicate "Not Sure".
Please select the program that you are in at the time of completing this form, even if you are heading to another program in the months to come
Please indicate the residency program that you will be in after medical/dental school is completed. If you have not matched to a program, please leave blank
Have you applied for individual disability insurance in the last 7 years?
Do you still that individual disability insurance policy?
Are you looking to replace that policy, or would you like to build on top of it?
Feel free to indicate any notes about what you applied for, what is in place, and what your thoughts are in general about replacement, etc.
Do you have any disability insurance outside of what is provided to you through your current program?
Most programs provide group disability insurance with the standard package of benefits. Note that this group coverage, if in place, will not be factored in to the underwriting decision because of special programs for medical and dental professionals, while in school/training.
Please enter dollar amount (ie. $10k, $15k, $25k monthly, etc. This would be in your plan document or you can obtain from the benefits department. Please feel free to send this information along later if you do not know what it is while completing this form.
Do you intend to replace the existing coverage or supplement it with a policy that is layered on top of that policy?

Maximum file size: 20MB

Do you own a business or practice?
It is important to "match" the "right" disability product to the need. We will quote business overhead disability insurance with your individual quotes. The benefit from the individual policy is for you and your family. The benefit from the business insurance is to pay rent, utilities, payroll, etc. while you are out.
Please enter a number between 50000 and 100000000
Separate from (or part of) the work we do with you to review options for insurance, would you be open to helping coordinate a group presentation to your residency program?
How soon would you like to do the webinar?
Desired Time for Webinar

Maximum file size: 20MB

Please feel free to attach anything that you believe we should review as part of putting proposals together for you.
Please check here if you have some medical conditions or history which you worry may impact a disability policy. And/or if you feel that you have any other 'unique' circumstance that might be a concern.

Click to go to the next step




Submit your information and we will get back to you with personalized disability insurance quotes.  We will not share any of your information with anyone.  The information that you provide is the information that we need in order to quotes.  Occasionally, additional information will be requested from you via email or phone so we can determine if there are any specific discount programs that we can apply in the quotes.

We will prepare a side by side grid that shows all options for you. In addition to showing the options and pricing, you can also click the particular disability insurance definition or specific company provision and you will be able to read more information about it. No other tool on the web goes into as much detail as we do – at least we have never seen a tool that does what our tool does. Keep an eye out for it and let us know if you have question. You will also be able to start the application process immediately by clicking the “Get Started Now” button in any column in the grid. Disability Insurance and Term Life Insurance is what we do and we hope to help you to secure this critical insurance program.